So I have been unproductive on some things, like this page.
Since November, I have been working at the Happiest Place on Earth. I started off as full-time, but recently changed to part-time as I was missing time with family, and thankfully I was able to switch, and management was very helpful in my transition.
Everytime I'm at Disneyland, it feels like a bit of home, and a way to stay connected to my mom... actually my costume reminds me of one of the waitress uniforms my mom wore.
My fellow cast-members are great, and many of them can speak conversationally in English. Cantonese is their primary language. I have learned a few words in Cantonese, but my focus is still on learning Mandarin... learning languages is a challenge.
As of March 1st, Hong Kong has stopped requiring the mask both indoors and outdoors. Many are still wearing masks, but I have stopped wearing mine, and I feel a bit odd without it still. The first time I went into the MTR, it felt very odd to feel the air conditioning on
the half of my face that was covered up for the past year and a half. And when I passed the police who still wore masks, I felt I might be breaking an unspoken rule.
Buildings like hospitals still require the mask... and though it's not supposed to be required in school, Xinyi's school seems to be requiring the mask as well as I still see the staff and students wearing them. Eventually the mask usage will decline more, but Covid is still occuring, and I think they are calling it an upper respiratory virus now.
That's all for this small update, but I intend to get back into all the productivity!